The European Parliament and other institutions within the European Union are important, but for many not easy to understand. In our efforts to reach and educate young people about the functioning of the European Parliament, we have reached over 20.000 people monthly, and increased knowledge on the European Parliament and the elections in 2019 significantly.

Why European Parliament (YEP) was a project ran by AEGEE-Europe with the aim of

  • Informing young people about the European Parliament as an institution, the democratic concept for which it stands, its functioning and competences.
  • Exposing the relevance of the European Parliament in the daily life of young people.
  • Encouraging young people to be aware and participate in the democratic European life.

The project was divided into offline and online actions.

The offline part was focussing on training a pool of young multipliers via five unique workshops. These multipliers formed an informal network that carried out numerous local and regional actions oriented at informing young people on the European Parliament by peer learning, non-formal education and audio visual production.

The second, online part of the project, had a central role in order to increase the impact and outreach as well as to unite all the offline actions carried out. A social media campaign was launched, consisting of the produced materials during the project by all involved people, consisting of pictures, EU news, interviews and more.

Over the course of six months, we have reached 1199 people in person, 120.809 people online, and created 807 multipliers in 15 countries!

We are proud to present the results for the Why European Parliament project. We once again want to thank all people involved in the project, in particular María Ballesteros Melero and Loes Rutten, who initiated this project and have supported the project through time.