Do you see yourself as an open-minded young European?

All you are lacking is the experience of discovering Europe?

Have you been planning on travelling around the continent and meeting new friends?

Can you imagine yourself taking part in shaping our future together?

If your answer to any of the questions above is ‘YES!’, you should definitely consider becoming a member of AEGEE!

As a member, you can

Take part in shaping the future of Europe!


Become part of a community of young Europeans.


Join local events and meetings.


Get involved in the work of international Working Groups and projects.


Attend international events, such as trainings, conferences, exchanges, or Summer Universities.


Find AEGEE close to you

Found an AEGEE local!

Do you live in a city without an AEGEE local? Right after gathering enough information on the Association and probably sharing your enthusiasm with others, the next step is to work up your courage and found an AEGEE local! Please find below some useful information about the procedure and the stages of establishing an AEGEE local group, and also about the rights and obligations you will have during this amazing journey. All you need to remember is that even the biggest locals in AEGEE, counting hundreds of members, were only Contacts a few years ago! Their members were ready to face all the challenges you are up to at the moment… the start is never easy, but believe us, it is worth doing it! Let’s begin, shall we?

How to get started?

To become a contact, there are a number of steps you will have to complete. During this process, you will be assisted by your Network Commissioner and the Network Director, so don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Step 1

Try to look for the other people interested on opening an AEGEE local. A good idea is to look for friends with similar interests or groups from university of students that share your values.

Step 2

Approach your University to get a support letter for your new AEGEE Contact (example). If you cannot get a support letter for some reason, contact the Network Director to explain the situation and ask how to proceed.

Step 3

Fill out the Application form and send it to the Network Director, together with the support letter from the University.

After you send your application, we will contact you to arrange a Skype/Hangouts online meeting, to talk about your plans and how AEGEE-Europe can assist you.

Now you are a Contact of AEGEE-Europe! Welcome to the family!

Check out the Contacts toolkit to help you on the journey!